Across the Deserts of Time- The Saluki
George & Sally Bell
Stars approximately 1000 Salukis in spec-
ialties throughout the world, including the
US, the World Show in Germany, Skoloster
(the largest sighthound show in the world)
and coursing in Scotland.
2 hours / 1991
Order #SALATDOT VT $49.95
28 page section from Hutchinson's
Encyclopedia (1934)
Order #SALH SP $19.95
Saluki *
AKC Breed Video
Order #SALAKC VT $24.95
Saluki *
Champions 1952-1988
Order #SALC52 SC $36.95
Saluki-Companion of Kings
Vera H. Watkins
A fascinating practical handbook on this
most ancient breed covers historical
establishment of the breed, introduction
into England, close point-by-point exam-
ination of judging techniques, advice on
feeding, training, companioning and cour-
sing. Updated version includes three articles
published by Ms. Watkins: '"The Importance
of Desert Breeding in Preserving the Saluki"
from the May-June issue of The Gazehound,
'"Desert Breeding Preserves Type" from the
July 1980 American Saluki Assn. Newsletter,
and "'Why More Saluki-Companion of Kings"
from the January 1979 ASA Newsletter.
130 pp. / 27 photos / line drawings
Order #SALCOK $45.00
Saluki in History, Art and Sport
David and Hope Waters
Authors have captured the spirit of the Saluki
in this beautifully illustrated chronicle of the
breed from its beginnings in the Fertile Cres-
cent in 7000 BC through the present.
124 pp. / HOF-2nd/1984 / UK
Order #SALHAS $59.95
Virginia M. Burch
Order #SALKW $9.95
Saluqi, The Coursing Hound of the East
Deluxe Leather-bound Edition numbered
1-200, with matching slip case, 80#
matte finish paper
Order #SALUQID $350.00
Out-of-Print, In Stock
Complete Saluki-The Book of the Breed
Diana & Ken Allen
Written by two internationally acclaimed
judges and Saluki breeders, this title
covers everything the Saluki owner needs
to know, from history and the standard in
both Great Britain and America to breeding,
showing, training and caring for this ele-
gant breed.
160 pp. / photos & illus. / 1st /1991 / UK
Order #SALCBOB $24.95